Monday, November 1, 2010

Thomas Paine

     I really admire Tom Paine. He started out taxing liquor and other products in England. Tom and Ben Franklin had become friends and Ben advised him to go to the states to become something of himself. Little did they know that Mr. Paine would be playing the leading role in the coming of age, revoultionary tale about the United States.

     Tommy started writing for newspapers and magazines. After writing colums and colums and exposure to so much agony with the Brits, he stepped away from the press and created a historic essay titled "Common Sense." It asked questions no one would ask and it would question the government in ways nobody thought was allowed. Eventually it grew on everyone and Tom became a boss. All of the arguments stopped and the violence was quiet. All he did was write an essay and made phamplet to show everyone the right way to live.

Here is a video a high school student conducted which is a great representation of Thomas Paine and all in which he succeeded. It is simple, yet very gratifying. It comes from this website:

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